Games Games & More Games

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Absense makes the dart grow fonder.

Ok my elbow is killing me... I miss playing darts so much I tried throwing left handed. LOL!!!! I missed the board a bunch. Then I determined my right eye was dominant (duh) and I was switching focus eyes throughout the throw... then my left elbow started to hurt so I stopped... in the process I stupidly threw about 6 darts with my right arm and my elbow swelled up like crazy and is burning. I read online that the suggested rest period is 3 weeks!!!!! come on! How am I going to win free beers if I can't throw a dart? Absense makes the dart grow fonder. I realize now that I cannot do it that throwing darts is my favorited hobby. Well chess might be but I can always think about it in my head... Darts well it just isn't the same if I can't throw at the board! I miss it soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!


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