Games Games & More Games

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Game analysis from yesterday

Here is a game I played and I knew what I should be doing and didn't listen to myself. I was kind of winging the opening. I play the black side of the caro-kahn and knew that I was to drive the bishop all the way the the corner but then didn't do it... DUH... and I let him exchange the bishop for no good reason.

The I then proceeded to build up an solid advantage according to fritz. I was planning to castle long and exert pressure up the F file but then ended up castling king side... ???? I really felt like I rushed and blundered on move 20 but in looking at the game I see there were plenty of places I let black equalize. After 17 moves I was 1.5 ahead according to fritz and then over the next 3 moves went from +- to -+ and then crumbled... on move 21! I got careless in the face of time trouble... If I would have castled kingside... looked at that rook push to the 7th rank more closely to see it was fruitless... and that bishop to d2 move was a stinker! oh well and here goes another test of a pgn viewer...


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