Games Games & More Games

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I threw some games of 501 on dartpro. My running 3 dart ave is just under 43. I threw 4 games and 3 were over my ave and 1 under. I also thew 3 games of singles cricket and had a 1.5 mpt, 1.78 mpt, and a 2.04 mpt game. Not great. The 1.78 game I didn't hit a single treble?

I noticed I was a bit jerky in my throw. I was trying to remember what it felt like when I hit my 180 and my 154 (3 trip 18's)... I remember it feeling smooth and not jerky. So I started trying to throw smooth... I noticed I was off initially but after I warmed up throwing that way I got much more accurate with much fewer wanks to the right...

I am in the middle of a slump. I need to work through it and get back to the days when I was throwing high 50, 3 dart aves and consistently over 2mpt cricket. I also noticed my Bob's 29 is no longer as good. I am checking out around 10 now and I was consistently making it to 12-16 before. I need to practice throwing smooth again.


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