Games Games & More Games

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Damiano Defense

I found this game to be most enjoyable... The game was a against an someone with no rating so you never know what you might see. Well I got a Damiano Defense and 9 times out of 10 I see Be7 or Ne7 and then Qxh8 but this time I got a bit more intersting game.

whoops I forgot to set it to move 1... sorry
And it should be noted... I finished the game with 1 second on my clock... so I was glad he walked into the mate in 4 and didn't make me play it out the harder way ... with 37... Ka5 of course that just drops the knight.. but it was more than 4 moves to mate... but we were both in time trouble by then... me much worse... note: for future reading
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