Games Games & More Games

Monday, January 26, 2009

Time management

I have an alarm clock in my head that yells at me constantly to speed up. This alarm clock was created from playing hundreds of G15 games online and loosing on time from WON positions. I would inevitably reach a point in the game and find the need to calculate and spend 3-5 minutes on a move and loose.

Today I read on TWIC that (and I quote)
For some reason Aronian thought for over an hour about this move, time which he could really have used later on.

That was the note after his 15 move! An hour? Wow. Now consider that he was in the first 40 moves in 2 hours section of the game. That was a huge amount of time. This brings me to a question I really hadn't quantified. How much time SHOULD you alot for a tough move at any time control? There has to be a formula somewhere?

REALLY at 2 hours for 40 moves that is about 3 minutes per move... so spending an hour roughly cut his time in 1/2. BUT is that a big deal? Maybe? Maybe not. I don't know and that is the point.

Here are some things I found
  • (in g/90) you would like to have 45 minutes left at move 20(1)
  • In a sudden death time control, speed up a little if the game is very even and it looks like it is going to be a long game. You may need that time later if things get complicated or it does become an exceptionally long game.(1)
  • For instance, if you have 60 minutes to make all of your moves, plan to use enough time per move to use nearly the whole hour at the end of a normal game. It's good to generally plan for a 40-move game;(2)


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